Ilze's Chocolat have a substantial number of regular customers, people who frequently place their order for a special chocolate treat or for macaroons. Of course we appreciate these customers very much and we feel that we want to give you something in return. That is why we have created the "my treat" concept. With "my treat" you will get a text message reminder to order your special monthly treat, and with a simple tap on the link on your smartphone you will be taken straight to the treat on special offer.
So what do you have to do? Go to our " My Treat
" page and register your interest. You only have to tell us which week week of the month you would like to receive a text message from us, and then proceed through the checkout as normal, remembering to add your mobile phone number during the secure checkout process. There is no cost involved in registering! We will then send you a text message during your chosen week every month, to tell you which products are on special offer for you that month and you will be given a coupon code for your exclusive use.
Then, if you enter the coupon code during checkout, the discount will be applied to your purchase of the product(s) on special offer. Sometimes we may be running other special offers at the same time, but make sure that you use your "my treat" coupon code, because this would normally give you the greater discount.