There is nothing like a bar of good chocolate to enjoy on your own during a snack-break in the middle of the working day, or to share in front of the television at night. But today's chocolate lover often wants to find a snack that is still the real thing, yet will not leave you feeling guilty about the calories that you have added to your daily count.
While many marketing messages would suggest that we should go for snacks that are low on calories but equally low on taste, our belief is that the real answer lies in smaller portions. Isn't it so much better to have a real chocolate experience with a smaller portion than to waste calories with a larger portion of something that tastes only slightly better than sugared card board?
So in order to support you in your drive towards "smaller but more beautiful", we will be launching a range of chocolate bars in a new 95g format. Still a substantial snack, truth be known, but if you share it, it will leave you much more satisfied that you had a good experience without too much impact on your diet.
The first 95g format snack that we are launching today is a white chocolate bar, infused with strawberries. We have done this infusion ourselves, for four days in a wet stone grinder. So you can be sure that nothing other than the real white chocolate and the strawberries went into this bar. We then added real freeze dried strawberries. No, not just skin deep, but real pieces of strawberries that were pushed into the chocolate to add some texture and additional strawberry flavour when you bite through.